Super Veggie (from Bryan Johnson)
- Black lentils, 45 grams dry, ~150 grams cooked
- Broccoli (head+stalk), 250 grams
- Cauliflower. 150 grams
- Shiitake or Maitake Mushrooms, 50 grams
- Garlic, 1 clove (a piece)
- Ginger Root, 3 grams
- Lime, 1
- Cumin, 1 Tbsp
- Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 Tbsp
- Hemp Seeds, 1 Tbsp
- After prep, drizzle 1 Tbsp of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Recently been sprinkling 1 Tbsp of 100% dark chocolate to dish
(All organic)
Super Veggie Preparation instructions
- Weigh vegetables. Place broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms (maitake or shiitake), ginger and garlic in boiling water*. Boil until tender (7-9 min). Steaming is also acceptable.
- Lentils: bring the water to boil in a medium saucepan. Add lentils. Reduce heat to low and cook uncovered for 18-20 or minutes until "al dente". Place in a colander to drain and rinse under cold water
- You can choose to blend or keep whole pieces.
- Blend in a high-speed blender place 1 Tbsp of dried cumin, 1 Tbsp of apple cider vinegar, 1 fresh Lime, cooked black lentils, the strained cooked vegetables, and blend until it becomes thick soup. Can also serve as the picture above.
- If needed add some of the vegetable water (or steaming water) to thin out the texture.
Top with hemp seeds.
Prepared correctly, taste should be an easy and smooth tasting veggie hummus. No smell/taste of garlic.
I season it with NuSalt (potassium chloride).
*Cooked via low temperature, high humidity, high acidity, high antioxidant cooking methods to minimize formation of Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs) and Advanced Lipid Peroxidation End-products (ALEs).