How to pick stocks for investment?

However you pick stock, write your reasoning (investment thesis) down so you can see whether it holds up and re-evaluate it later to see if you should adjust the strategy.

Advice on picking from Warren Buffett

The recommendations below constitute the core of the strategy called Value Investing. The idea is to buy healthy profitable businesses and hold for a long time.

Advice on timing from Nigam Arora

This was the advice on how to predict that the trend is going to change (to pick best time for entering/exiting the market):

General advice from Nigam Arora (ZYX method)

Stock picking algorithm

This is one possible algorithm, it's definitely not the only one. It's somewhat inspired by value investment.

Useful ratios and what they mean

There are many ratios that are used to gauge the attractiveness of a company for investment. The current value of a ratio is not very meaningful by itself, however, comparing it to historical values and projections into the future show whether the company is getting better or worse. Also comparing to the rest of the industry and rest of the economy shows how it's doing relative to others.

Cognitive and Emotional biases in investment