

Open Source Private Cloud Slack alternative.

The cost of not doing user research

They didn't do user research and it cost the project a lot. Then they started doing it and things became better. It's ok to do user research half-assedly, still much better than nothing at all.

Matrix in the French State

Redis Commons Clause

Mgmt config management with graph algorithms

New smart configuration management solution based on some graphs.

PostgreSQL vs. fsync

The way PostgreSQL uses fsync is unsafe and can lead to data corruption in case of transient I/O failures. This wasn't obvious earlier because when hard drives broke they broke completely and forever. Now we use network filesystems a lot more often a lot more often.

We should improve the detection of these failures (it's only possible with latest Linux kernels) and trigger PANIC and recovery from WAL. Long term solution would be to implement a direct I/O based engine that will not use the page cache of the kernel.


Neural commit message suggester

Generate commit message from patches using RNNs and techniques from machine translation.

Perl 11

Creating games with FOSS tools
