If Ethics is not None
- Katharine Jarmul (http://kjamistan.com/)
- IBM ad about Sage system.
- Norbert Wiener and his quote about computers as new slave labour.
- We automate jobs away -- are we responsible for the resulting degradation of
life of those workers.
- Joseph Weizenbaum, Elisa. His quote about computer as "fundamentally
conservative force" (socially conservative).
- Technological progress sometimes enables continuing existing practice where
otherwise social progress would be necessary.
- Ole-Johan Dahl, Simula, work with Norvegian worker unions. Build stuff that
allows people to influence their fate and stuff.
- Do we build technical stuff that works against our politics? If so, why do
we do that?
- Andrey Ershov - education, computer literacy, make at art of computer
programming public property!
- BBN, ARPAnet:
- Bob Kahn - Strategic Computing Initiative, bla bla AI stuff to "increase
our national security and economic stength"
- Severo Ornstein - Computer professionals for social responsibility
- Karen Spärk Jones - NLP research, TFIDF, critic of gender disparity in
computing - don't leave it to others to make the computing-related decisions
- Joanna Bryson - AI Ethics, "Our personal data should be like our houses"
- Are we all working on a modern version of a Manhattan Project?
- Who is responsible?
- How do we hold one another accountable?
Follow up session
General strategy
- Issues that we want to address:
- How technology shapes society.
- Users trust that technology works right.
- Business models around software are not always ethical.
- We don't always know where we are standing it terms of societal change.
- "Facebook is practically dead"
- Privacy, data collection, etc.
- Concrete avenues:
- How do we raise awareness among software developers?
- e.g. set the right defaults: e.g. https vs http,
- How do we motivate developers to care.
- How do we raise awareness among users of software?
- How do we improve public understanding of technology?
- How do we help policy makers that have good intentions to make
technologically aware decisions.
Next steps
- Raising awareness among devs
- Research on what already exists, existing organisations that work on this
or close to it
- List of resources, organisations that can provide information,
- Create a website (or work with other orgs to create it)
- Cooperate with existing organisations that are already doing it:
- Fight for the Future
- Effective Altruism
- Motivation and inspiration
- Carrots:
- Success stories of ethical choices
- Show respected people who care about these issues
- Sticks:
- Show consequences of not thinking about ethics, unethical behaviour
- Coordination
- Involve more people
- Show them easy actionable ways to contribute
- Raise awareness of ethical issues related to technology among general public
/ improve public understanding of technology
- Make a curriculum and make it available to people who would use it to
educate others.
- Website? but who will read it. How do we reach people?
- Scary stories
- Jokes, pictures, basically we need to engage their emotions, logic won't
really work.
- Short explanatory videos (but we'll need comms-savvy people to do it)
- Give users better options and inform them about existing ones:
- People like EFF are working on it, maybe more efficient to work with them
- Education, especially children
- Implementing specific solutions for concrete problems (e.g. privacy, free
Other stuff
- Little Brother by Cory Doctorow (the novel),
- Swarmwise by Rick Falkvinge.