Making Games with Python. Mission Impossible?
- Roberto De Ioris,
- Tomislav Uzelac,
- Martin Christen.
- Is it possible to make a game completely in Python?
- Roberto: indy game, yes, AAA -- probably no,
- Tomislav: at some point you'll always have C/C++ but writing logic in
Python is totally possible, look at Eve Online.
- Martin: yes, if you give me 10M, but in the real world, it's not clear what
the reason would be. However, it's possible in many circumstances.
- Why use Python?
- Roberto: Python is used for scripting in the videogame industry. Maya, 3DS
Max, Blender all use it.
- Geo-information libraries in games?
- Martin: for data processing Python is quite good. But when it gets to the
actual game, that's a different story.
(I left to see another talk in the middle of the panel)