Just Machine Learning
- A program learns from experience E (with respect to task T and performance
measure P), if it's performance on the task T improves from experience E.
- Many failures of ML are due to E not being right for T.
- Friedman + Nissenbaum 1996 on sources of bias:
- Preexisting bias,
- Technical bias (from tech constraints and considerations),
- Emergent bias (from context of use).
- How do we define fairness in ML context:
- Probabilistically,
- Independence of some "sensitive" attributes,
- Many possible senses, it's complicated.
- Measure via confusion matrix: True positives, False positives, Precision.
- Impossibility results:
- Kleinberg, Mullainathan, Raghavan 2016
- Chouldechova 2016
- There a technical solutions and policy soultions (e.g. right to explanation).
- Often formulating the right objective function is big part of the solution.
What do we actually care about?
- Take-away: Estimating risk assessment scores is bad, we need a different
problem formulation.
- Return the list of better and worse cases and let the judge decide.
Basically we will learn the ordering this way, instead of a mapping to a
- Regression is suboptimal because the target variable is often
heavy-tailed and regression assumes a more normal distribution.
- We want to keep the decision with a human so that someone is liable for the
- Learning from pairwise comparisons seems to be more robust, perhaps because
humans are better at pairwise comparisons.
- http://eliassi.org/tina_justML_july2018.pdf